For more than 25 years, we've helped educators, business leaders, and services providers understand the power of community, relationship-based leadership, and the power of R.A.I. - Respect, Affirmation, Inclusion, and their role in strengthening climate and culture.
Strengthen team culture and connection with focused training that is personalized to your organization’s needs.
Start Now →
Training & Development (See list below)
Does your team need training to strengthen community and improve climate and culture?
Would you like to systemically address climate and culture?
Would you like to Energize your staff and Transform your schools?
The R.A.I.© Framework (Respect, Affirmation, Inclusion) and our implementation process is a global model designed to move your school climate and culture from surviving to thriving. Our framework was required reading for enrolled students in the Harvard Graduate School of Education over a five-year period and requested reading by the late Sandra Day O’ Connor, John Wooden, and Nelson Mandela.
Furthermore, research-based materials along with the RAIful Organizations© Framework will provide hands-on and practical strategies to aid you in moving your climate and culture from surviving and thriving for all students, staff, and stakeholders. The strategies we share are designed for immediate impact and implementation within 48 hours.
Below is an example of an outline for a twelve-hour training program:
Day 1: Introduction to R.A.I. Framework and Building Community (6 hours)
Session 1: Introduction to R.A.I. Framework (1 hour)
- Overview of the R.A.I. framework: Respect, Affirmation, and Inclusion
- Explanation of how R.A.I. contributes to creating a positive workplace culture
- Discussion of the importance of each element within the framework
Session 2: Building Community (1.5 hours)
Session 3: Delving into the R.A.I. Framework with Examples (1.5 hours)
Session 4: Nurturing Attitude in the Workplace (1 hour)
Day 2: Eight Habits to Live out R.A.I. (6 hours)
Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching and professional training services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching and training solutions click below:
Additional Educator Trainings
Resilient Schools Require R.A.I.©
Creating R.A.I.ful © Schools
Eight Habits of the Heart for Educators™
Eight Habits of the Heart™ for Leaders
Empowered Educators, Empower Students
Culturally & Student Responsive Practices
Student Responsive Leadership
Supporting the Needs of Underserved Students
Family And Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.)
Cultural Competence
*Customized Training Available Upon Request
Leadership Training
R.A.I.L. - Respectful, Affirming, and Inclusive Leaders© Academy
Equipped to Serve: Empowered Leaders, Empower Their Teams©
Culturally Responsive Leadership
Becoming a Person of Influence
15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
Cultural Competence
*Customized Training Available Upon Request
Youth Workshops
Eight Habits of the Heart for Students
Leaders Leading with R.A.I.©
Sometimes We Win & Sometimes We Learn
Championship Mentality
G.P.A. Matters
*Customized Training Available Upon Request
Online Training
Do you need a training to help you master your trade, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?
We’ve built an online training curriculum that provides you with the benefits of live training, but without the constraints.
Hart Global Industries offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time—and grow on your own time. We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos. Which means the trainings won’t just engage you; they’ll also change you.
You’ll become more knowledgeable, more capable, and more confident after going through our training. The skills you’ll learn will last you—and benefit you—for a lifetime.
Furthermore, we’ve worked hard to make our content is both easy to understand and easy to implement. All our trainings are broken into bite-sized lessons, which walk you through step-by-step until you complete the entire online curriculum.
Think about it…
There’s never been a better time in history to grow your skillset and mindset, since there’s never been a time in history when world-class training was so accessible! The internet has changed everything. The doors to growth, opportunity, and success are wide open. And so now is the time to train.
Achieving Personal And Professional Goals
Everyone faces obstacles to success, but your circumstances do not define who you are or what you do.
Whether you’re looking to make wholesale changes in your life or just want to fine-tune it a little, Hart Global Industries will give you specific steps that will heighten your achievement:
- Using the POSITIVE Goals Achievement System
- Assessing Good and Bad Ideas–It’s Not as Obvious as You Think
- 5 Mental Exercises that Give You a Winning Edge
- How to Draft a Clear, Concise Blueprint for Success
- The Master Code to Avoid Costly Mistakes
Our transformational coaching curriculum is designed to produce maximum results in minimal time. We support you in developing and refining the skills you need to succeed. We’ll help you confront challenges head-on and develop a plan of action to overcome what has hindered you in the past.
Our Coaching Clients Receive:
- Personalized coaching curriculum designed for you
- Weekly/ Monthly coaching sessions
- Specific action-oriented assignments
- Direct email access to your coach
- Confidential advice and accountability
- And much, much more!
What do Tom Brady, Lionel Messi, Tiger Woods, and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!
Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.
Accelerating Your Success
We all define success differently. For some, it might be the ability to purchase a new car or take a fantastic vacation. For others, it might mean being able to provide for one’s family, or having lots of free time to spend with them.
No matter what your definition of success, now there is a tool to accomplish it!
Jimmy Hart shows you how to accelerate your success with an ingenious new system for maximized achievement:
- How to be a person of Influence and Advancement
- Surefire Steps to Becoming a Stronger, More Strategic Decision-Maker
- The “People First” Principles
- How to Find (and Become) a Magnificent Mentor
- Finally Revealed: The Real Secret of Success
What School Leaders Are Saying
Dr. Scott Hagerman,
Superintendent TVUSD
“The work that Mr. Hart has led, has both further reinforced the ongoing initiatives in which our schools have been engaged, and has also given us a framework to deepen our focus on relationships that ensure Respect, Affirmation, and Inclusion.”
Chandra Thomas, Principal Robins K-8
“The reflective dialogue gave us time to examine how we live out Respect, Affirmation, and Inclusion through student-centered practices within our school community."
Dr. Amy Cislak,
Principal TVHS
“Focusing on creating a space where students are respected, affirmed, and included on campus has allowed...students and staff to flourish. It is important for our community to know and understand that they are seen, heard and valued members of our community."

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